Flu Season: Avoid Getting Sick With These Immune System Boosting Tips

Just like every other system, there must be a consistent process of implementation and procurement within the immune system for it to function properly. The body is made to function based on two principles: prevention and reaction. When the body is attacked with a virus or bacteria, the immune system goes into reaction, which is usually when most people start to wonder why they are sick.
What is more important to understand is prevention so people are able to reduce the frequency of their attacks. Everyone is exposed to bacteria and germs, but only certain groups out of a selected target get infected with a cold or the flu. Below are 5 ways to boost your immune system so that you can spend more time not worrying about getting sick than actually dealing with your sickness.

What is Important When Trying to Boost Immune System?

Create and maintain a healthy lifestyle – I know this may sound easier than it is to implement and you would be right in thinking exactly that.
If you eliminate binge alcohol consumption, smoking, and compulsive eating in your life you are most likely to boost your immune system tremendously within a couple of weeks. If you are going to drink try indulging in more red wine and rice wine, sticking mostly to rice wine if you’re going to consume more than recommended. Rice wine is good for you in moderation, as with red wine, but some Asian studies actually show that rice wine (known as Sake in the states) is actually okay for you in larger consumption – compared to red wine or other types of alcohol.
Sleep is also important, including a solid 7 to 8 hours a night with proper weekly exercise and a balanced diet of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Make sure that you are minimizing your red meat consumption and washing your hands frequently prior to meals.

Take Supplements or Daily Vitamins – Studies have shown that people who live in poverty are more likely to develop and carry infectious diseases. The reason for this is not rocket science – people in poverty are not consuming enough essential nutrients throughout the day to maintain a healthy immune system. Deficiencies of zinc, selenium, iron, copper, and vitamins can lower immune response and eventually will lead to sickness and disease. If you are a person who is not able to consume enough essential nutrients or vitamins because of time or cost, make sure that you are supplementing with a daily vitamin and other vitamins available on the market. Adding essential oils to your routine is also an effective option.
Lower Stress – Investing in mediation, yoga, or other relaxation techniques may be a life-saver down the road. Although stress is difficult to define because everyone reacts differently to situations, studies show that high levels of anxiety and stress lower immune response. By living a stress-free life consistently, you are more likely to develop a positive immune response to diseases or infections other may bear when they are “run-down”.
Avoid Continuous Isolation – You may be able to focus better when you are isolated from the world because all of the voices seem to distract you from accomplishing a task, but long-term isolation has shown to lower your immune system. People with strong social networks – whether they have a few close friends or a large network – have stronger immunity than those who feel alone.
Most of the evidence surrounding this study involves psychological factors. If you don’t mind being alone and don’t ‘feel’ alone when you are, than most likely it will not affect your immune system. Many people who isolate themselves suffer from depression, which in turn lowers their immune system. People who have meaningful connections to people around them seem to fight off health issues more efficiently because they’re able to access positive emotions and stimulation.
Don’t forget to laugh – A good laugh is important in curbing high levels of stress hormones within your body, allowing you to not only think positive but also feel positive. The body reacts to mental states more than you may think so always remember to have a positive outlook. Several college and university studies have shown that freshman had a weaker immune response to flu vaccines than upper class-men. Freshmen were dealing with adjusting to a new environment and finding a place where they belonged, making them stressed, depressed, and obviously unable to laugh genuinely.
Matthew Hall is a professional blog writer for Driver Physicals, the DOT physical exam headquarters. Matthew is a skilled writer with diverse interests and a keen attention to detail.