Leftover.in – Fighting hunger in Ahmedabad

All the foodaholics in Ahmedabad would vouch that new restaurants open in Ahmedabad every week. There is nothing new about this trend. But what if someone was out there who would take surplus food from cafes, restaurants, supermarkets, social functions and many other businesses and donate it to the needy? Isn’t this a brilliant idea to fight hunger in Ahmedabad? Mr. Rupesh Rajawat, a resident of Ahmedabad, is actually implementing this idea in Ahmedabad.
As a self confessed foodie, Mr. Rupesh would have several meals per week outside. Over time he realized that food wastage was a major problem with local canteens and restaurants. At the same time, there were many needy people who slept hungry. This observation sparked an idea in his mind and he launched Leftover.in.
Leftover.in - providing food to people in need
Leftover.in – providing food to people in need
Leftover.in is perhaps the first perishable food rescueorganisation in Ahmedabad which collects quality excess food from commercial and noncomercial outlets and delivers it, direct and free of charge, to people in need across the city. They collect surplus food from all types of food providers including hotels, wholesalers, social events, corporate events, catering companies, shopping malls, delis, cafes, restaurants, college and school canteens and hostel mess.
At present they have a team of  5 experienced professionals, with expertise in execution, technology and marketing which makes them unique and scalable. Their core message is simple – they  want everyone to be aware of the surplus food that is thrown away everyday which can be feed to a hungry person.
Do you wish to give a little love to this awesome initiative? If yes, then you can get involved with them in the following ways:
  1. Donate Time – No matter who you are and where you are, you can become our volunteer to help this initiative
  2. Donate Food – If you a observe a food waste you can inform them
  3. Donate Funds –  You can also contribute funds athttp://s51.in/leftover to support this initiative
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