My Story: They Gave Me A Reply That I Will Never Forget In My Life

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There have been many children that I had met, but there were none, which had such a deep impact. Listening to their stories has been a routine! This is the tale of four underprivileged but brilliant children- Zakir, Islam, Kallu and Sayed. I met them in a nearby park.

I asked if they went to school or not. I expected a yes! but to my surprise they said no. How can you not expect an 8-year-old kid not to go to school? But then my mind reminded me that this is India – education which is considered to be a vital ingredient in the upbringing of a child, is missing. These children lack the most essential ingredient of upbringing – education.

Further inquiring, I asked them why didn’t they go to school. For a few seconds they didn’t respond, I once thought it might be because of money but then I realised education was free in government school- then why not? They replied, “We are stuck in our household chores”. That might be the worst thing which would restrict a person from learning how to learn! but that’s the reality.

If the future of the nation is not educated where are we heading towards? The problems in the nation will continue to be there because education is the superpower which can vanish all the problems a country could ever have.

I then asked them, “You are Muslim right, why are you sitting beside a Jain(me)?” He gave me a reply that I will never forget in my life, ” Yeh Sab toh logo ne bana rakha hai, khoon toh ek hi hai”. (These things are made by people, but our blood is the same). How can you expect such a brilliant reply from an 8 yr old? Education is the sole power which can defend communal violence. If India needs to progress it needs to educate itself. The power of education is unrecognised yet, I decided to teach them, and now they know the alphabets and numbers  I am glad that I am nurturing such wonderful children when I myself am only 16 years old. I am sure they will make me proud one day. I want to make an appeal to all of you that see to it that each and every child is getting a proper education.

Jai Hind!

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